The sound of her voice pleading for me to spare you. Sephiroth: Your hometown that burns so bright. Cloud: (while having a flashback to the Nibelheim Incident) Mom. Cloud? Were the planet to die, so many things would be lost. It was the crowning moment of our time together. dead!) Sephiroth: I am? Cloud: I killed you with my own- Sephiroth: Oh, you need not remind me. dead! (in Japanese: It can't be.! You're. Barret: Say that again!Ĭloud: You're not real. The hell you think's gonna happen when it's all gone, huh?! Answer me! You gonna stand there and pretend you can't hear the planet crying out in pain? I know you can! Cloud: You really hear that? Barret: Damn straight I do! Cloud: Get help. The planet bleeds green like you and me bleed red. It doesn't rest and it doesn't care! You do realize what mako is, don't you? Mako is the lifeblood of our world. While you sleep, while you eat, while you shit - it's here, sucking up mako. This time it will.ĭo you want me to unmake this kingdom of Materia, Cloud?īarret: This pump's sole purpose is to drain the planet dry. ĭo you think it will all end, Cloud? Let me remind you.

That we'd never meet again - and then here of all places we do. Us going our separate ways, thinking that must be it. The hell you think's gonna happen when it's all gone, huh?! Answer me! You gonna stand there and pretend you can't hear the planet crying out in pain? I know you can! This pump's sole purpose is to drain the planet dry.

He even pulled the flower trick on Tifa once.Dropping you from seventy stories up would get me damn near to good. He must open his eyes to the truth - that his corporate masters are profiting from the planet's pain. He must recognize and accept his complicity. A good man who serves a great evil is not without sin.Quite possibly the worst person I have ever met. Used to think you were a little shit with a big attitude and a bigger inferiority complex.Just thinking about busting into Shinra HQ's got me fired up!.The slums, your friends, the whole planet - it's Daddy's job to protect it. Daddy and his friends are trying to stop those bad people. It's because of that great big pizza in the sky that people down there gotta struggle to survive. Nothing worth fighting for was ever won without sacrifice. Y'all have to look at the big picture here.By the time I made it in, they didn't need heroes anymore. When we were kids everybody wanted to be a SOLDIER.Watch the tail! You don't want to be hit by that laser!.Survival can be a matter of luck or skill.